Practical hints for compensation body

Your accident occurred in a state of the Green Card System, the adverse party’s vehicle was registered in a state of the European Economic Area (EEA), other than Germany, and

  • the foreign insurer/German claims representative has not adequately reacted to your application within three months,
  • the foreign insurer has not appointed any claims representative in Germany,
  • the foreign insurer is unknown,
  • the adverse party’s vehicle is unknown.

The accident did not occur in a state of the Green Card System or the vehicle of the other party was not registered within the EEA? Unfortunately, we are unable to help you because our legally prescribed competence does not apply.

What do I have to observe in filing my claim?

In your own interest, we want to handle your applications as quickly as possible. Therefore, the following applies: the more information and pieces of evidence we receive from you, the faster we are able to assess the facts.

It would be best for you to use our notification of loss form for filing your claims.

Please complete this as fully as possible and attach copies of all documents available on the circumstances of the accident or the results of the accident.

Information Centre

You may enquire about the insurer of the other party by telephone, indicating the corresponding licence plate number, at the national Information Centre, on 0800-250 26 00 or online.

If the Information Centre, which is operated by Zentralruf der Autoversicherer (Call Centre of Motor Insurers), is unable to help you, you will be referred to VOH.